— With the passing away of Krishna Kumar Birla, the country has lost one of the greatest entrepreneurs. As an industrialist K K Birla became a legend within his lifetime. An outstanding visionary, a distinguished Parliamentarian and the architect behind promoting modern educational and scientific institutions in the country, Birla had left behind an indelible imprint on the country’s road to development. Be it in the field of ushering industrial development or in giving new direction to the fledgeling education sector, Birla’s contribution would always be remembered. Realising the prospect that sugar holds quite early in life, Birla went on to give shape to India’s sugar industry. The tremendous success he achieved in the sugar industry was instrumental in inspiring others to come forward to set up modern sugar units across the country. The success in sugar was just the beginning .Birla quickly diversified and expanded his business empire. The key industries be it fertilizers, chemicals, heavy engineering, textiles, shipping, Birla had invested in all of them. His keen business acumen and inspirational leadership were instrumental not only in reshaping the country’s industrial landscape but it also helped in giving the much needed momentum to the industrial sector.Never compromising with some cardinal values which were very dear to him he conscientiously blended moral, ethical and spiritual values while creating landmark business enterprises. Convinced that knowledge holds the key in taking the country forward, Birla went on to set up the Birla Institute of Technology and Science at Pilani in Rajasthan. He knew the power of media and started one of the country’s leading English dailies-Hindustan Times. The daily played an important role in the country’s freedom struggle. As a member of the Rajya Sabha for three successive terms, Birla headed a number of parliamentary committees. Actively involved with the leading trade bodies of the country Birla forcefully and fearlessly stood for liberalisation to give fillip to industrial growth at a time when inflation and stagnation gripped the country’s economy. To encourage talent he had set up the K K Birla Foundation which has instituted annual awards for excellence in Indian literature, scientific research and Indian philosophy. Birla had shown that innovative ideas backed up by hard work can do wonders in varied fields. The country desperately needs leaders like him to take it on the path of growth and development. Source: assam tribune editorial 02.09.08
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